Traditional solar panels are being consigned to the past. In their place, home wind turbines are emerging, an efficient and economical alternative that can now be installed at home for less than 200 euros.
Operation and types of home wind turbines
These wind turbines perform the same function as the large models used in fields or at sea, converting the kinetic energy of the wind into electrical energy through a propeller and an alternator. There are two main types of wind turbines for the home: horizontal axis and vertical axis.
Horizontal axis wind turbines are the most common, with a rotation axis parallel to the ground and blades that capture the force of the wind, requiring orientation towards the wind direction for optimal performance. On the other hand, vertical axis wind turbines have vertical blades, which allows them to be more compact and operate efficiently even in confined spaces without the need for orientation towards the wind.
Home energy purchasing and future considerations
When considering the purchase of a home wind turbine, it is important to consider the ease of installation, the type of wind turbine best suited to the space available, and the investment in quality to ensure a long-lasting and efficient product.
Although more efficient solar panels have recently gained popularity, home wind turbines are emerging as an increasingly solid alternative. With their installation on the rise, many people are confident that these devices will provide them with energy independence without the need to occupy large spaces in their homes.
Wind turbines for self-consumption, a solution for the future
Small wind turbines work by converting the kinetic energy of wind into rotational energy that spins a generator to produce electricity. They consist of blades attached to a rotor, a generator, and a tail.
When wind blows past the blades, they capture the kinetic energy of the moving air and start spinning the rotor. The rotational speed of the rotor is increased through a gearbox and used to turn an electrical generator. Most small turbines use permanent magnet alternator generators which require less maintenance.
The generator contains magnets that rotate around copper wire coils. As the magnets spin past the coils, they induce a flow of electrons in the coils – generating an electrical current. This electricity can then be used to power electrical loads or charge batteries.
The tail keeps the turbine facing into the wind. Without a tail, the turbine would need to be manually oriented. The tail acts as a rudder, keeping the blades perpendicular to the wind for maximum efficiency.
U.S. bets on wind self-consumption: a trend that could overtake solar
Small wind turbines can provide a surprising amount of power in the right conditions. For example, a homeowner in Spain installed a small vertical axis wind turbine on his roof. This turbine has a 400W rated power and cost around $180.
In optimal wind conditions, it can generate over 1kWh per day – enough to power lights, appliances, and electronics in the home. The homeowner estimates it will pay for itself in energy savings within two years.
Another example is a rural farmer in the United States who installed a 1kW horizontal axis turbine on a 30 foot tower next to his barn. Even though his average wind speeds are relatively low, the turbine generates an average of 2-3kWh per day. The farmer uses this electricity to power barn equipment, electric fencing, and some household appliances, reducing his electric bill by 20-30%.
As you have seen, a home wind turbine for self-consumption could be a future option that would surpass even solar panels. The key lies in its potential to ensure greater efficiency in mountainous or coastal areas, where the wind is present almost all year round. They would also compensate for lower photovoltaic production during the winter. Best of all, their price, which, as you have seen, is less than $200.